The Hero and Detail

Hero shot:

My hero shot reveals the grand scale of the building in its setting protruding from a cliff-face, the extension of the bottom floor beyond the cliff face brings attention to it's geometric theme comprised of dynamic arrangements of polygons. Furthermore, the building's use of geometry in its form can be seen in its interplay with light and shadow. This contrasting and alternating rhythm is reflective of the Off-White aesthetic and is particularly noticeable on the top floor, where the 4 arrow Off White logo is projected through the skylight, 

Detail shot:

On a more intricate level, this spiral staircase portrays the feeling of weightlessness inspired by the Off White transparent luggage bag, this is achieved by using glass as if the staircase and anyone who used it were levitating. The staircase is supported only by a thin cage of metal beams which spiral in length simultaneously with each step. This is further enhanced by the staircases shallow step height allowing for easy walking as if one were'gliding'.


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